About Me

Don't let them fool you, it's not easy to write well. Everyone can use a little help now and then – which is where professional editing comes in. If your writing isn't having the desired effect, then why not contact me to see how targeted, suggested amends can capture your readers' attention?

Now offering services in developmental editing, copy editing and proofreading in UK and US English, I will work with you to refine your manuscript while maintaining your unique voice. With published experience in fiction and non-fiction, I specialise in engaging narratives and thought-provoking stories. It's my goal to help writers of all backgrounds create lasting, memorable stories that will be enjoyed by readers for years to come. I specialise in connecting with a diverse range of readers through meaningful writing; my favourite genres to work in are Romance, Fantasy and other fiction which tell the stories of inspiring women. 

After graduating with a first-class degree in English Language and Literature, I decided I wanted to continue pursuing my passions in literature. Now, through my role as an editor at a publishing house (Igloo Books Ltd. and Bonnier Books), I’ve discovered that I love making good writing great

I live in Northamptonshire, England and have two dogs. My favourite way to spend a day involves relaxing with a good book with at least one of them cuddled at my feet. 

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For more information and rates, please contact me.